Fair Treatment & Respect

now, you may be asking "what do i do if i meet someone with DID?" well, treat them like normal, the only difference is that you may only talk to some alters some days, and other alters other days, and you're essentially getting not just one friend, but multiple if you treat them right. also, do not fakeclaim them or say they're faking, it does more harm than good, and if they are (however rare it is) it will be obvious, as they will use "oh that Alter did that" as an excuse to avoid punishment and making things right, when in fact it is the system's responsibility to try and put those actions right, which is typically the only reason someone will fake DID, however, if this happens, tell them it's their system responsibility, and if they say it's not or something along the lines of disagreeing, then say "i'm going to respectfully block you" and proceed to block them, because if they're faking, it will make them realise that it gets them nothing, no way out, or if they are a system, they will realise they need to be better, and improve upon themselves.