System Functioning

in this page we will discuss system functioning, or the long term functioning of a system and issues, good habits, etc

generally systems are ok and/or good at long term functioning, however some systems have issues, and some more than others. this page will discuss issues, good rules, and other things relating to life with DID, along with ways to heal if that is possible for your system, although some systems aren't able to heal fully, or may choose not to due to being attached to each other and live functionally multiple. there's many different paths that systems may take, and this will cover more long term things

(this is a work in progress)

in this section we will cover good habits and rules to build and add for systems to ensure your functioning over the long term remains healthy and good

System Rules

these are very important to have. these can be things such as "gummy bears in this package are _____ Alter's" or "no going to this place" or "go to bed by this time" or any number of other things that your collective will want to follow.

here is a list of issues that you should try to avoid to ensure your system stays together. you're a team, and you need to help each other live life and enjoy it along the way


systems are different people essentially, and nobody agrees on everything, and discussion is good, but arguments aren't the best, while they can be helpful, try to avoid letting it become toxic and hurtful. arguments are fine as long as it doesn't become malicious (such as insulting one another), and you both come away from it with more information, and can peacefully resolve later on, this last bit is essential to arguments being helpful


respecting boundaries is an essential part of functioning, especially within a system, make sure boundaries for everyone is explicitly clear, and that everyone in your system respects them

Fights (Inner World)

while this may be rare for most systems, physical violence in the Inner World does happen sometimes. these can go very VERY bad, especially if you and the Alter fighting go far with it, just make sure that this is avoided, and if it's something like sparring (like how in martial arts it's only to break one another's guard, or in boxing it's about getting them pinned to the floor) that things are done safely, and respectfully as they are in real life. be safe, and be careful, and try to avoid fighting.