
DID is usually shown by loss of time, and whether you realize you have DID is entirely by chance in some cases. in most cases, adults around you will see or notice that you have memory gaps, or notice these differences, but this can sometimes go unnoticed

some systems may notice loss of times, multiple voices in your head (some people have a "narrator" in their mind, this is not what we are referring to) some others may notice belongings changing place, or being moved, or any number of other things

whether these are noticed by you can change, and one commonality is the existence of an Inner World, or Internal World, or other such place that exists in your mind where you may "meet" the other Alters in your system. one way you can try and find out if you believe you have DID is to meditate and see if you have an Inner World (this is NOT your imagination, the Inner World will feel more tangible and this method is hit or miss)

later in life after discovering that you have DID and finding out about the other Alters, some systems may experience migraines or headaches due to being stuck fronting or not switching, or by switching too much, this can be caused by any number of things